
subsonic is a open protocol for music apps. it lets you take advantage of from native and mobile apps.

  1. basics
    1. re: authentication
    2. supported features
  2. iOS
    1. play:Sub
  3. Android
    1. Subtracks
  4. Others

basic settings

subsonic settings
server address
username (your e-mail address)
password (your password)
authentication legacy mode, "force plain-text password", etc.
(only required/exists for certain apps, see below)

re: authentication

・ uses the "old style" of authentication that includes your password as a parameter in the URL.
・ the "new style" which sends a hash of your password and a salt is not supported because it would require us to store your password in plain text to authenticate you!
・ securely hashses your password, so we require the old auth method.
・ it is mandatory to use HTTPS with, this requirement keeps your password safe (apps that do not support HTTPS will not work)

supported features



support status: excellent

download: app store link ($$$)

  1. Tap the "play:Sub" menu icon on the bottom right.
  2. Tap the name of the server in the first menu item
  3. Tap "Selected server"
  4. Tap "Add server"
  5. Fill in the server address, server name, username, password as below



support status: excellent? (need more testing)

download: play store link

  1. Tap the Settings icon on the bottom right
  2. Tap Add server
  3. Fill in the server address, username, password as below
  4. Enable "force plain text password"


many more apps are supported, tutorials coming soon(tm)